Support us by donating funds to our Indiegogo Campaign!

In just 29 days, our team of students will be driving to San Diego to begin our 10-day hydrogen fuel cell tour!  We’ve travelled the nation to meet innovators and learn about the latest technology in alternative energy sources.  So far, we have made a whiteboard video, “In the Year 2050” music video, and given a presentation to a new chapter of Kids 4 Hydrogen in Dallas, TX.  Our team is editing their speeches, creating display boards, and organizing the tour.  We’re ready to get California on board to prepare for a hydrogen economy.

Please visit our Indiegogo campaign site:

It’s time to support our campaign with real funds.  We need to raise $62,000 in just 19 days.  As the founders of Kids 4 Hydrogen, we are leading the nation in starting 49 other chapters!  Our 501.c.3 will help the other chapters offer non-profit benefits to our donors.  But, we need to show our leadership by funding our campaign with local sponsors.

Please email this to others to educate them about the hydrogen economy and to encourage them to help us reach our goal to reduce CO2 emissions!

Brooklyn Simmons

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