Founded in 2004, Kids 4 Hydrogen is an educational outreach nonprofit organization affiliated with Merit Academy. Kids 4 Hydrogen’s goal is to lead America in developing a sustainable energy infrastructure that will save our planet and meet the world’s needs by 2050. In the past, we have given presentations on how fuel cells work and introduced hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on well-publicized tours in California to encourage people to get on our waiting list to purchase fuel cell vehicles to move towards a sustainable hydrogen economy.
Now we have a new direction. We are educating people about the changing climate and how it will affect our lives, as well as presenting viable hydrogen-based solutions to these problems. We are working towards finding a viable and practical solution to halt tailpipe emissions, with specific focus on the idea of converting ICE cars.
We are working on bringing a conversion station to a mechanic near you! Sign up on our conversion waitlist to show your interest and location!
In the year 2050
If there’s still air to breathe
Still no catastrophe
We may see
Earth is struggling to keep us alive
Can’t keep up with global warming, global cries
Everything you seek, use, and waste
Won’t be around beyond today
In the year 2050
We’ll limit driving to just 20 miles per week
Your household power runs till 7 PM
Not till morning will you get it again
Mother Earth has had enough of pollution
Can’t keep waiting for an instant solution
Solar, wind, and geothermal just need
Hydrogen’s sustainability
In the year 2050,
Hydrogen’s the only hero we’ll see
The most abundant element to exist
Can give the Earth another chance to live
The clock is ticking on the nuclear time bomb
Soon plutonium, uranium are all gone
Nor can we live off burning fossil fuels
Because clean coal is a just a political tool.
In the year 2050
Every nation’s a third-world country
The war for oil has killed millions
Thirst and hunger eat civilians
In the year 2050 BC
Some were hunting, others were gathering
Resource crises give us no option
We’ll have to live that era over again
Though this crisis seems far away
It’s creeping up on us with each passing day
Cars and airplanes will be things of the past
When we dry up our last gallon of gas
Within the past two centuries
Man’s wasted exponentially
The fuel he drinks and eats
Fades in a heartbeat
But if we change our ways
Well then perhaps someday
Our kids will live to see
How we changed Earth’s destiny
By the year 2015
With hydrogen fuel cell cars on our streets
We’ll cut our carbon footprint drastically,
Achieve sustainable energy
Fifty-five thousand cars are all it takes
To start to make this world a better place
To lead the building of a hydrogen highway
Support the cause and buy a car today
In the year 2050
If there’s still air to breathe
Still no catastrophe
We may see
In the year 2050,
Hydrogen’s the only hero we’ll see
The most abundant element to exist
Can give the Earth another chance to live
Copyright 2024 By Kids4hydrogen