Students Record “In the Year 2050” on Sunday

Rebecca, Daniel, and Nicole in the recording studio suite.

Recording “In the Year 2050”

When Merit students have a goal, nothing gets in their way.  Nicole D’Arcy, Daniel Kodama, and Rebecca Fang recorded their song “In the Year 2050” at a professional recording studio, Indigital Studios, in Santa Cruz on Sunday.  After getting permission from Zager and Evans, the original artists of the hit song “In the Year 2525,” to use their music, Kids 4 Hydrogen recruited their talent to produce “In the Year 2050.”

During a college advisory meeting, Rebecca Fang met with Susan Tatsui-D’Arcy to discuss the content and scope of the lyrics she agreed to write.  Rebecca wrote and edited the pro-hydrogen lyrics over a 2 to 3-week period.  They skyped with Daniel to discuss the details about the music video and plan for the weekend.

On Sunday, July 29th, Nicole practiced with Daniel and Rebecca.  While rehearsing together, they refined the lyrics.  Dr. Jay Keller was a little concerned about some of the lyrics but agreed that the purpose of the music video is to shock their audience into action.  From 1:00-4:30 pm that same day, the three Kids y Hydrogen team members recorded their song.  It was quite an experience for all three students.

Brooklyn Simmons

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