K4H Team gives presentation at Trammel Crow’s estate in Dallas, TX!

Michael Henning, Film producer/director for Sovran Films (documentaries), invited Kids 4 Hydrogen team to be keynote speakers at an event organized to educate key innovators for Earth Day Dallas.  The students spoke about the history of Kids 4 Hydrogen, the problem: CO2, and the solution.  They collaborated with Mike Strizki, Hydrogen House Project, who shares their vision about organizing a hydrogen economy.  Hosted by Trammel Crow at his estate in Dallas, the students made invaluable connections with well-connected influential people.

Nick gives presentation about hydrogen conversions

Henning filmed the presentation to distribute to schools nationwide as Kids 4 Hydrogen expands their reach to include chapters in every state.  He also plans to complete his new documentary film, which features Kids 4 Hydrogen, next year.

Brooklyn Simmons

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