
Merit Academy and Stanford University graduate returns to Merit to sing “In the Year 2050”

When Nicole D’Arcy built the 15-cell hydrogen fuel cell stack when she was at Merit Academy, she made the headlines because she was the first middle school student to do so.  Fourteen years later, Nicole joins the Kids 4 Hydrogen…

Daniel Kodama organizes the music video for “In the Year 2050”

The Kids 4 Hydrogen team met via skype to organize the music video production of “In the Year 2050,” the next version of Zager and Evan’s “In the Year 2525.”  Daniel Kodama takes the lead by laying out a storyboard…

Rebecca Fang writes new lyrics for the 1969 hit “In the Year 2525”

A new member to Kids 4 Hydrogen, Rebecca Fang brings her artistic poetry to the team.  Zager and Evans, the original songwriters of the famous song “In the Year 2525,” generously agreed to let the Merit Academy team use the…

Kendall Ronzano rallies team members to build Kids 4 Hydrogen’s new website

A fter competing and leading her volleyball team to the Junior Olympics this summer, Kendall Ronzano rallied her Kids 4 Hydrogen team members to research and write text for the new website.  Adding forums, memberships, fuel cell sign-up programs, and…

Taylor Honda updates Kids 4 Hydrogen’s 501.c.3

Stepping into the shoes as the new CFO of Kids 4 Hydrogen’s board of directors, Taylor Honda updated their California non-profit status, and in the process, learned how to file legal documents on his team’s behalf.  He has also worked…

Michael Beck meets with Dr. Keller to get better understanding of the hydrogen industry

Merit Academy’s director, Susan Tatsui-D’Arcy, and Michael Beck, student, met with Dr. Keller to discuss questions about the hydrogen infrastructure that couldn’t be answered in a phone call or email.  Michael was responsible for the new website’s “FAQ” page and…
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