Joe Jordan, the NASA scientist who introduced Merit Academy students to hydrogen fuel cell technology in February 1997, visits the Kids 4 Hydrogen team in Santa Cruz to cheer them on! He traveled with the Merit Academy team to Humboldt State in 1997 to meet engineers who taught the students about fuel cells. Then, Jordan followed the team to Washington, DC, in 1998, where they presented their 15-cell fuel cell stack at the National Hydrogen Association’s 10th Annual Conference. In 2005, Jordan was a key-note speaker at Jaclyn D’Arcy’s “Alternative Energy Discussion” that she hosted at Merit Academy in 2005 to meet with energy experts. Watching the Merit students develop several educational outreach campaigns over 16 years, Jordan was enthusiastic and supportive of their new program.
He enjoyed riding in the Mercedes F-Cell on a ride and drive around the Pacific Garden Mall.